Sunday, August 15, 2010

How I stopped losing my hair

This is my own anecdotal experience with canola oil.

I for one have found out, by my own observation that when I went off canola oil as a cooking oil, my hair stopped falling out! In fact, it is growing back. I had thought that, since I'm 64, it was totally natural to be losing hair.

About two weeks after eliminating canola from my diet, that little bit of hair in the drain every day after showering disappeared completely! Not one single hair in over three months now! So yesterday I took a mirror and looked at the top of my head, and what do you know? I can't see my scalp through my hair any longer!

I have experienced no other changes in health that I am aware of, but that one is good enough for me to stay away from anything with canola in it.

So my recommendation to all who scan and scour the web for answers is, look to your own experience as well. Often the answers you seek are right within your own grasp and plainly evident.